Class Project: Fantasy Football

1. The Draft 
Students work in groups of  3. Using the websites here, students research the best among all current players and select about 20 that they would like for their teams. In class, the groups take turns 'drafting', or selecting, players. Each team completes a form which can be downloaded here, making sure to fill all necessary positions. A total of 8 players is chosen for each team, including an alternate Quarterback, whose actions can only be counted when the other Quarterback does not play.

2. The Season
The 'season' can depend on the timing of the course, but the number of weekends to be included in the project must be determined in advance. Every weekend, students read about what their selected players have accomplished in the real NFL games. Touchdowns, yardage, catcrhes, and field goals are all recorded and scored as indicated on the chart. At the end of the project, the total points are calculated, and the team with the most points wins.
